Day 31: Today we went to class and had dictation as usual. Like last week, I continued my streak as a bad student by not attending Martial Arts class. Today was a food-filled day, where although I skipped breakfast, I went to the cafeteria to get lunch (which I got a picture of!), and even with the large amount of food I got, it was only 9 Yuan (or a little over a dollar). I'm going to miss the school cafeteria so much. Even after getting so much food for lunch, I stopped by the school "superstore" to get cold water and snacks, including these "Finger Licking Braised Pork" flavored Lay's chips. Isn't that such an interesting flavor? I love looking at all the snack flavors in China. Anyways, this "Finger Licking Braised Pork" flavor basically tasted like Hongqiao Rou, or this braised meat dish that is famous in Shanghai, which I found so strange - like how were these people able to even make these flavors? We also went to eat 火锅 (AKA
huǒguō / Hot Pot) at the restaurant near the McDonald's near campus (sorry for the ambiguous description; I never got the name of the restaurant). Let's just say eating Hot Pot in tables of more than 6 people was war. You would put something into the pot, and it'd be on someone's plate. Often times, I couldn't even reach the pot to get stuff to eat, so my kind friends tossed me stuff to eat on my plate. The restaurant gave us too pots, spicy and sweet. I wasn't a big fan of the sweet soup that we put our vegetables and meat into, but the spicy pot was too spicy for some people, so I had to settle. Hot Pot is definitely somewhere I want to revisit in a smaller group. Also, when we were getting noodles for our Hot Pot, this man turned on music and started dancing with the flour to get the noodle ready, which I thought was hilarious. Luckily, I'm posting these blog posts from Korea, so I was able to upload a video of this man because pictures simply can't describe his show (please watch the video). Another reason to go back to this Hot Pot restaurant, right?
Day 32: Today was a rather boring day as I went to class, had dictation, and went to tutoring. Although I don't have much to write, I feel like having these sort of days to recharge is very important for one's soul, so I enjoyed it. Of course, I had homework to do and a presentation to prepare, but I spent time listening to music, catching up on some sleep, and walking around the hotel (which is something I love to do).
Day 33: After having class and getting only half-way through the 日记 (AKA
rìjì / diary) presentations, many of us (including me) were very stressed because we were told that tomorrow we would be having a lesson test, a group presentation, and a diary presentation for those who were not able to go (AKA me). I took a deep breath and went to get food. Like I mentioned before, food is definitely what keeps me sane. I got dumplings at the school cafeteria, but I decided to take pictures of the cafeteria lady making my friend's fried egg crepe looking dish (forgive me for that terrible description, but I never got the name of the food). The main point of this picture is basically to show you how a lot of the food in the cafeteria is made fresh! Also, to take a break from studying, I went out to eat at a local restaurant right next to the North gate (the gate opposite of the Faculty Club). They didn't have pictures for their dishes, so I played it safe and just ordered 辣肉面 (AKA
là ròu miàn / Spicy Meat Noodles). It was pretty much the same as the other restaurant's spicy meat noodles except this restaurant's noodles didn't have the extra spices on the bottom, which I liked. I proceeded onto getting something from CoCo's, a famous bubble tea shop. I didn't get bubble tea though; I got mango green tea, and let me tell you, it was awesome (If it was a little bit more closer to campus, I would've gone to it everyday like 全家. I have not had a drink that tasted better than this drink that I got. It was so refreshing, and after drinking it, I felt ready to work again. Yay!
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